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Licensing Protocol


Protect & manage your copyrights


Managing copyrights

Licensing is the method used by businesses and individuals when requesting the use of copyrights owned by someone else. In most cases, middle-entities take up to 50% (or more) of the fees/ownership when a creator’s content is used by production companies i.e. games, movies and advertisements. Canistore’s Licensing protocol simplifies the process by facilitating agreements B2B/B2C


Protect & prove ownership

Canistore empowers creators to licence and securely store their content on the blockchain. This streamlined process not only includes timestamping for indisputable proof of ownership but also integrates a notice of rights. In jurisdictions where certification from a local copyrights office is mandatory, users have the option to upload and store their documentation alongside their media on the blockchain.


Direct to consumer

Due to an outdated infrastructure monopolised by big tech, content creators find their following fragmented across multiple platforms. This situation directly impacts progress, as creators face challenges when migrating their hard-earned fanbase from one platform to another without losing followers via conversion rates. Canistore normalises the natural relationship between creator and community.

CaniStore is a marketplace for intellectual property rights” - Barry Paisley


A next-gen social store


Keep 100% ownership of your assets


Personalise monetisation without the restrictions web2 applications provide


Broadcast to the world independently with CaniPlay


Your data is protected under Swiss GDPR and e-privacy laws - EU/Europe


Store, protect and manage your copyrights


Share/view content without algorithms that reduce your visibility


Grow and engage with your community in-app


Ask cAni how to navigate ownership within your jurisdiction


Browse creator accounts to discover new content


Earn rewards by contributing to the ecosystem such as moderation


Make a difference by voting on proposals


Licence your content directly to individuals and businesses


Designed to empower - 'on the go'


CaniStore Phases (1 - 10)
Phase 1
Artist Decentralized Wallet & Profile Creation
• Launch the Canistore platform.
• Enable artists to create decentralized wallets.
• Allow artists to set up and customize their profiles.
Phase 1
Phase 1.1
Work Upload & Digital Copyright Claim
• Implement functionality for artists to upload their work.
• Integrate a digital copyright claim feature to protect artists’ intellectual property.
• Provide tools for verifying and managing digital rights.Enable artists to create decentralized wallets.
Phase 1.1
Phase 2
AI-Driven Work Authentication Analyser
• Use AI to verify the ownership of copyrights.
Phase 2
Phase 3
AI Assistant Sign-Up, Acting as a Manager
• Introduce an AI assistant to help artists manage their profiles and content.
• Enable AI to assist in scheduling releases, managing fan interactions, and optimizing content visibility.
• AI integration for legal and compliance guidance.
Phase 3
Phase 4
Distribution & Licensing
• Develop and deploy a distribution system for content across various platforms.
• Create licensing options for different types of content usage (e.g., streaming, commercial use).
• Implement smart contracts to automate licensing agreements and payments
Phase 4
Phase 5
Monetization & Revenue Streams
• Develop multiple monetization options, including subscriptions, merchandise sales, and virtual events.
• Integrate with various payment gateways to facilitate seamless transactions..
• Provide artists with tools to create and manage their own revenue streams..
Phase 5
Phase 6
Community Engagement
• Encourage community engagement through events, activities, and even virtual spaces.
• Foster connections between artists, fans, and other creators.
Phase 6
Phase 6.1
Integration with CaniSafe (for Advanced Data Security)
• Ensure all data transactions are encrypted and compliant with GDPR and other regulations.
Phase 6.1
Phase 7
Open API for Third-Party Services
• Develop and release an open API to allow third-party services to integrate with Canistore.
Phase 7
Phase 8
Advanced Analytics & Insights
• Introduce analytics tools to provide artists with insights into their content performance. Offer detailed reports on audience demographics, engagement metrics, and revenue streams. Enable artists to make data-driven decisions to enhance their reach and profitability.
Phase 8
Phase 9
Global Expansion & Localization
• Expand Canistore to support multiple languages and regions.
• Tailor the platform to meet the needs of artists and users in different markets.
• Collaborate with international partners to broaden the platform’s reach.
Phase 9
Phase 10
Continuous Improvement & User Feedback
• Continuously gather feedback from artists and users to improve the platform.
• Implement regular updates and new features based on user needs and technological advancements.
• Maintain a focus on security, compliance, and user satisfaction.
Phase 10
*Roadmap is based on the completion of Round 2 and SNS Swap* Please see Tokenomics